Following June’s European Parliament elections, it is crucial that the EU prioritises and strengthens policy instruments that decarbonise the EU’s economy and society.
The Life ETX consortium invites you to join us on June 13 for keynote speeches and panel discussions featuring leading policymakers, researchers and civil society representatives to discuss the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the justness of the EU’s Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS2).
More info and registration
The event will take place at Comet Louise, Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium on 13 June from 11:30 to 19:30. It is possible to join online as well. Book your online ticket and we will send you the zoom link later.
Panel discussion 1 on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
11:30 – 13:00
The first panel discussion focuses on what CBAM means for the decarbonisation of Europe’s heavy industry, and how it will influence climate action beyond the EU?Speakers:
- Lidia Tamellini, policy expert on EU industrial decarbonisation, Carbon Market Watch
- Niall O’Hare, group strategy and planning manager, Ecocem
- Further speakers TBC
Panel discussion 2 on the Emissions Trading System for road transport and buildings (ETS 2)
14:00 – 15:30
The second panel will discuss how carbon pricing in buildings and road transport can be fairly implemented. We will consider how the EU election might impact ETS2, and how we can grow public support for effective and just carbon pricing.
- Eleanor Scott, policy expert on EU carbon markets, Carbon Market Watch
- Robbie Stakelum, head of policy and advocacy, Social Platform
- Milena Damianova, legal officer, DG CLIMA
Our LIFE ETX final conference (limited seats available) will follow the panel discussions. Partners and stakeholders will reflect upon what the LIFE ETX project has achieved for people and the planet.
This event concludes a series of meetings among a wide range of stakeholders organised within the LIFE ETX project to share knowledge and best practices, and discuss carbon pricing policy-making processes.